Tuesday, March 27, 2012

J-Bo (that's Matthew's nickname for Jared)

some of Jared's recent sayings:

Me already did throw up.

No me like it.

No please eat it. (if he hands me something he wants me to save for him to finish eating later)

Somebody's sleeping (if he wants me to be quiet or stop singing)

also, on a recent trip to the mall, Jared was extremely uncomfortable around the female Easter bunny, and wants to make sure she won't be wherever we're going now. He wanted gummy bear earrings at claire's really badly, so to console him, I decided to get him a Build a Bear. (It was Emily's birthday present to J. He got some earrings for her as a birthday gift.) He was a bit overwhelmed by the whole Build a Bear experience, but Em helped him choose a nice, less expensive puppy. He named him Chocolate Chip. It was awesome how much fun the doctor had today, doing an exam on Chocolate Chip! too bad it didn't work as well at home, when Chocolate Chip took his medicine. We're having a rough time getting Jared to take this antibiotic. It actually does taste really bitter, even with the bubble gum flavoring! :(


  1. What a cute nickname! Jared sounds like a fun little guy. I can't wait to spend more time with you guys in Nauvoo. Chocolate Chip is a clever name for a stuffed animal. All I could come up with was "Bearie":)

  2. Thanks for the comment, Krissy! I can't wait til Nauvoo, either!
