Sunday, February 12, 2012

Soon to come...a photo of Jared's mud bath

A not-so-spiritual nursery moment

I really felt the Spirit in sacrament meeting today, but in nursery... not so much!

Things were coasting along pretty well at first...Our nursery leader was out today, so by default, I was "in charge" (I use this term very loosely).

We were at our usual 1:1 ratio, with 4 kids vs. me, 2 subs, and a dad. The dad kept trying to sneak out, but his son wouldn't stand for it. The problem is, when this little guy gets upset, he doesn't just cry, he throws up. So, as soon as the dad finally snuck out to teach his Primary lesson, I took the big lid off of the trash can, and had it ready to go, with the little boy on my lap, and sure enough, within about a minute, he was barfing into the trash can! I was pretty pleased that not too much got on the carpet this time, and none (that I know of) landed on my new dress, but one of the subs was having a really hard time. I guess she can't stand the smell of throw-up, and if she even hears someone doing it, it could make her throw up.

Of course, the other 3 kids were trying to eat their snacks while all of this was happening. Luckily, there was not a chain reaction with the kiddos.

Someone asked where the dad was, and I said he was teaching Primary, and I tell you, I have never seen 2 ladies jump out of their chairs so fast, racing for the door! They both declared, "I'll teach his lesson!" at the same time, but the one who declared it more firmly and reached the door first was the winner.

So...the dad ended up back in the nursery, we opened one of the doors for some fresh air, had a few good laughs, and we even found a bubble machine and ended the day on a high note.

Sadly, the lady with the really weak stomach did not win the 2 yard dash for the door.